
Expertise for your research, pedagogical events, and the dissemination of your publications

CDC services are free of charge for Quebec’s college and Cegep personnel, college network partner organizations as well as university students and researchers interested in Quebec’s college network who reside in Quebec.


Search Assistance

Contact us by email or telephone for customized assistance!
The CDC librarians can help you with your college-education research by providing:

  • Training on how to use ÉDUQ
  • Training on how to use ProQuest databases
  • Training on how to use ÉDUthès
  • Advice on identifying relevant sources of information
  • Advice on tools that will help you stay current in your field of research
  • Advice or help for Research Data management

Go to the Help section for general information on documentary research.


Deposit Services

Your publications are privileged sources of information for your college network colleagues and for researchers.

Promote your fields of interest while ensuring a wide dissemination of your research on college-level teaching, learning, college education research, or public and private college institutional development in Quebec.

Submit your work (articles, theses, research reports, etc.) to ÉDUQ, the open archive of the Quebec college network to increase consultation and citation of your publications.

Ascertain that the document you want to share isn’t already in the ÉDUQ archive. Then, carefully read the terms and conditions of the non-exclusive distribution licence and fill out the form below. As soon as your document is available, we will contact you and give you the permanent URL to access it. The submission of your document is subject to approval in accordance with the CDC Collection Development Policy.

To submit your document * * * Form temporarily unavailable  * * * Contact us by email :  

Request to submit a document to EDUQ



* Mandatory fields


To borrow a document

Some documents in the ÉDUQ open archive are only available in paper format (indicated in the item record). Documents can be easily borrowed, and sent to you and returned by mail, free of charge.

You can borrow up to 15 documents for a month, or longer. For more information, please read the Loan Policy (in French).

To request a document, make a reservation, or extend the loan period, please complete the form below. For multiple documents, simply list their titles in the Message section.

NOTE : CDC services are free of charge for Quebec’s college and Cegep personnel, college network partner organizations as well as university students and researchers interested in Quebec’s college network and who reside in Quebec.

Loan, renewal, reservation

Loan, renewal, reservation



* Mandatory fields


Customized Services

The CDC staff offers workshops, information panels, and bibliographic and assistance services for your community of practice as well as help setting up information alerts.

If you would like to know more about our services or our collections, our staff will be happy to discuss your needs.

Photo credits : Catherine Dumont, AQPC Symposium 2013

Workshops and conferences

Enrich your events by contacting a CDC librarian. They will go to your college and present a workshop on documentation resources on the topic of your choice, and give you tips on documentary search that will save you time.

Information panel or booth

During a symposium or on a pedagogical day, our team of CDC librarians can suggest a selection of documents on your topic by providing an on-site information panel or booth.

Selective bibliographies

Our team of librarians are specialized in college-level education and can select documents on a topic specific to your community of practice or for a research project, a pedagogical day, or a symposium or training session.

Information alerts

If you would like to be kept informed about recent development in a specific educational area, we can help you set up a customized information alert.