Our Mission
The mission of the Centre de documentation collégiale (CDC) is to collect, retain, process, disseminate, and promote a collection of documents specialized in education so as to meet the needs of the various stakeholders in the college network.
Our mandate is to provide our services to all public and private English and French Cegeps and colleges in Quebec.
The CDC manages ÉDUQ, the open archive of the Quebec college network, which collects, retains, and disseminates documents about teaching, learning, and institutional development in Quebec’s Cegeps and colleges.
To fulfill its mission, the CDC staff has adopted the following strategic orientations for 2014‒2019:
- Ensure completeness of the documentary heritage owned by the CDC
- Increase the use and interactivity of the services offered by the CDC
- Enhance the impact of the CDC
These services are subsidized by the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur.