Customized Services
The CDC staff offers workshops, information panels, and bibliographic and assistance services for your community of practice as well as help setting up information alerts.
If you would like to know more about our services or our collections, our staff will be happy to discuss your needs.
Workshops and conferences
Enrich your events by contacting a CDC librarian. They will go to your college and present a workshop on documentation resources on the topic of your choice, and give you tips on documentary search that will save you time.
Information panel or booth
During a symposium or on a pedagogical day, our team of CDC librarians can suggest a selection of documents on your topic by providing an on-site information panel or booth.
Selective bibliographies
Our team of librarians are specialized in college-level education and can select documents on a topic specific to your community of practice or for a research project, a pedagogical day, or a symposium or training session.
Information alerts
If you would like to be kept informed about recent development in a specific educational area, we can help you set up a customized information alert.