Contact Us

Contact Information

Centre de documentation collégiale
1111 Lapierre Street
LaSalle, Quebec
H8N 2J4


Information, Loans, and Help with Documentation Research
Email : info@cdc.qc.ca
Telephone : 514-364-3327 Ext. 3 (or Ext. 4, to Leave a message)

Isabelle Laplante, Librarian
514-364-3327 Ext. 1


Karine Bohm, Librarian
514-364-3327 Ext. 2


Nassima Boudi, Documentation technician
514-364-3327 Ext. 3


Business Hours

Monday to Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Please make an appointment before you visit the CDC.

How to get there

The CDC is located at the Carrefour de l’information et des médias (the library) of Cégep André-Laurendeau (Room 3.465). Enter the building at door number 4 (Théâtre Desjardins), take the escalator to the third floor. The library entrance is to your right. At the circulation desk, ask for the CDC.


You must pay for parking at the pay station and place the voucher on the dashboard of your car at all times.