EDUQ, an open archive

EDUQ.info, the open archive of the Quebec college network, collects, retains, and disseminates documents about teaching, learning, and institutional development in Quebec’s Cegeps and colleges. The EDUQ archive replaced the CDC online catalog (Regard) as of February 2016.

With EDUQ, you can consult full-text digital resources and borrow documents. You can query the open archive by author, title, subject, date, publisher, or language. We also offer thematic and specific collections such as:

Parea reports

Pédagogie collégiale articles

AQPC symposium proceedings


CDC bulletins

Correspondance articles

EDUQ is freely accessible without an account or password (except the ebook collection).

EDUQ stores submitted documents (articles, theses, research reports, etc.) and ensures their dissemination throughout the college network. For more information, go to the Deposit Service section.