Digital Resources

Databases: scientific articles, reports, theses, conference and symposium proceedings

In addition to EDUQ.info’s digital resources, the CDC offers a list of references to several databases specialized in education.




The databases offered by libraries or in open access allow access to the majority of articles free of charge. However, some items may have release restrictions that require purchase. If during your research, you locate an interesting article but you do not have free access to it, contact the CDC team.

BAnQ numérique : education journals

Access to these databases is free but requires a BAnQ subscription to connect.

  • Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database
    Includes access to full-text articles from over 700 publications in the Canadian context, including nearly 250 related to education. [BAnQ info sheet]
  • ERIC
    Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC) is a database produced by the US Department of Education that contains over one million bibliographic references on all aspects of education. [BAnQ info sheet]
  • Academic Search Complete
    Offers articles covering several areas of academic research including approximately 800 education journals. [BAnQ info sheet]
    Multidisciplinary database providing access to retrospective issues of more than 2,600 full-text periodicals, including 175 in education, as well as tens of thousands of digital books and research reports. [BAnQ info sheet]
    Journals of humanities and social sciences. Also accessible through the website Revues Sciences de l’éducation – Cairn.info (free access texts only or more depending on your college) [BAnQ info sheet]
    Research in the humanities and social sciences and in arts and letters. Also accessible through the website Érudit (free access texts only or more depending on your college) [BAnQ info sheet]

Other Databases

  • LearnTechLib
    International journal articles and conference proceedings relating specifically to the teaching of technologies and e-learning.

Search Tools

  • Google Scholar
    Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text or metadata of scholarly literature across a wide range of publication formats and disciplines. When it provides a link to the full text of an article, it is usually made freely available and comes from an academic publisher, professional society, or repository of preprint and web-published scholarly articles.
  • BASE
    Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) allows you to locate documents from 10,000 different sources (journals, institutional repositories, digital collections), most of which are available in full text
  • DOAJ
    DOAJ is an index of open access journals from around the world
    The open archive HAL SHS (Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société), is intended for the deposit and dissemination of scientific articles at research level, published or not, from French or foreign educational and research establishments. , in all disciplines of the humanities and society.

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The CDC buys eBooks which are then indicated as such in EDUQ.info eBooks Collection. A personal CDC account is required to read or download them. For more information, or to create your account, go to the My CDC Account section.

For help guides and tutorials, go to the Help section.